Thursday, June 20, 2019

Round Two of Six

So I have been derelict in my blogging duties but we just kept swimming along. Today, as I write this, we are in the treatment room at Compass Oncology in Vancouver. Round one was completed three weeks ago. As I have said before, everyone responds differently but Crescence did have the typical side effects of nausea, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, mouth sores, and the dreaded hair falling out. She felt much better this last week just in time to start the next cycle. The doc says some of the side effects are cumulative so we can expect some things to get more difficult with each added treatment. Crescence had a minor surgical procedure on Monday to get her port put in. This will make the chemo procedure go much easier and safer and, for once, there were no complications.

As a side note, Jasper, our 10-year-old nephew is staying with us for a month. Crescence just loves being a mother so he has been a delight to have around.

People have been so kind to us bringing food, mowing the lawn, bringing flowers, visiting, and offering encouragement. There have been so many cancer survivors who have offered support, advice, and encouragement and we are very grateful for all the support.

In this picture, Crescence is sporting a peach-colored prayer shawl made by Rose Goeres, a peach bracelet made by Dee Anderson, a keep swimming bracelet provided by my sister, Catrina, and a "Just Keep Swimming T-shirt provided by Amazon (t-shirt not free but free two-day shipping w/prime). Interesting side note about the "Just Keep Swimming" theme - we see it everywhere we go now and it pops up in the most random places. Or is it random? It might seem cheezy but having a theme or motto is very comforting and fun at the same time.

We will be going to go camping at the Oregon coast for 10 days starting July 5th which we are both looking forward too. Oh, I almost forgot the results of her first CT scan post surgery. The report says "No Evidence of Residual Disease) or NERD for short. We hope for more NERDs along the way. Pray for NERDs! NERDs are good! GO NERDs! Next scan in three months.

Thank you all and remember when you have one of those days that sucks, JUST KEEP SWIMMING!

Love ya all,

Brian and Crescence