Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Better Late Than Never

People have been asking how Crescence is doing, and I have been derelict in my blogging duties. I apologize. My lovely wife is now halfway through the six chemo treatments and is back to work. A lot has happened since my last post; some great and some not so great. 
Starting with the great - we were given an opportunity to rent a studio apartment for 13 days on Maui for less than a weekend in Seattle. Thank you, Sue and Neil. So, with the blessing of her nurses and doctors, we jetted off to Maui. It was an amazing trip for just the two of us. The water was warm, the beaches were spectacular, the sunsets were beautiful and the weather was perfect. Overall, it was the most relaxing vacation we have ever taken. To top it all off, we avoided setting foot in a hospital the entire month of July! 
Now for the not so great - August did not have a good start as Crescence ended up having minor surgery on the first, which has delayed her chemo treatments. As you may know, chemo weakens a person's ability to fight infection, and if you get an infection the chemo has to stop until it clears up. Turns out, she had an abscess that turned into a fistula. The surgery was a temporary fix to clear the infection, but she will need another surgery down the road to permanently repair the fistula. We received news today that there is no sign of infection, so she is cleared to resume chemo this Thursday. If all goes well, she will be able to finish her last chemo treatment in the first week of October. Then in early 2020, she can get the other surgery done. 
Thanks again for everyone's support.

Crescence and Brian