Friday, April 26, 2019

Swimming with a Rash

Sorry about the delayed posts. We both feel like we have been given a second chance at life by God and we are still processing everything from the death of my brother and mother to this roller coaster health scare.

While the immediate worry of ovarian cancer is over, we can't say she is cancer free until the pathology report comes back next week. There was some tissue that looked suspect for leiomyosarcoma. Even if it turns out to be that, the surgeon feels confident that she got it all and there will be no need for radiation treatment.

Right now she is fighting an allergic reaction to every narcotic until they tried tramadol. The rash is still widespread but not getting worse. Everything else is looking good for a Sunday or Monday discharge followed by a long recovery at home.

On the lighter side of life, I really feel like we have a second life so I found the biggest diamond to download to my phone so I could re-propose to her.
Sometime this summer we are going to throw a big party to renew our vows and hope to have our many friends and family celebrate with us.

While are we ever grateful to all our friends and family for their prayers and support, a special thanks to the special people who braved the Seattle traffic to be with us: Libby, Craig, Brindee, Ari, Christian, Katelynn, Uncle Doug and Aunt Bonnie.
Waiting for the miracle!


  1. Good thing you don’t stress out! 😉 By the way, I love the new diamond! 💎 Hugs yo you both.

  2. So very happy you have such a wonderful support system. Thanks for the update!

  3. Thanks for the update! Love the pics and glad you still have your humor. Love you both!

  4. That's one big diamond and one big smile on Crescences' face! So happy for you both and continued prayers till 100% healthy from the doctor. ❤

  5. So glad to hear she is feeling better. You two are strong and resilient. Love you! ❤️Ted and Rose

  6. So much love in your update. Very glad to hear things are going well. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  7. Land of Awwwws!! Yes, a wonderful backing by loved ones.Keeping the connection in prayers for you and your family
