Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Finding Chemo! Hopefully not coming to a theater near you.

I am sorry but I couldn't resist the Finding Nemo rhyme but today's short post is all about our first chemo meeting with Dr. Rushing. He is overseeing Crescence's chemo treatment at Compass Oncology in Vancouver. He was also the doc who treated, my dear friend and colleague, Kim Meche. While Kim lost her battle with ovarian cancer, her positive attitude and relentless courage was, and still is, inspiring to Crescence and I. Kim's catch phrase was "Carry On" and that is just what she did until the end. Certainly we will have ups and downs along the way but we will carry on by leaving a positive impact on our world. My wife is confident, strong, and stubborn just like Kim so it couldn't be any other way.

Dr. Rushing looked at all the options with us from doing nothing to a cocktail of chemo treatments. In the end we all decided that sticking to the plan as drawn up by the UW team is our best option. Crescence will begin treatment on May 30th and continue every three weeks for six treatments. She will lose her hair along with numerous other side effects. Unfortunately, everyone reacts differently to chemo, so we will have no idea how it will impact her until she goes through it.  After the first treatment she will have a chemo port surgically placed to make the treatments easier to to administer.

Now here is where you come in. Everyone is asking what they can do to help, and I have said when we need help we will ask. Libby Childers (Cox) has been voluntold to organize a meal train while Crescence is in treatment. I am not putting her contact information on the Internet for every Nigerian scammer to latch on to, so if you don't know how to contact her text or email me and I will get you her information. Crescence and Chase are easy to cook for. She just can't have bell peppers. I, on the other hand, am the worlds pickiest eater so don't worry about me. I will just throw a couple corn dogs in the air fryer.

I leave you with a short video; demonstrating what we will be doing all summer and into the fall.


  1. wish we lived closer. I for sure would make huge green salads for Crescence and I know (LOL) how much you would enjoy them as well. I don’t think anything green is on your list to eat...Keep swimming!

  2. 🐟 🐠🐡🦈💕🙏🙏🙏

  3. Pizza, bacon, and dessert! Joe and I are keeping you in prayer. Carry On!

  4. Keeping you all in my thoughts as you navigate through this! Hugs to Crescence!

  5. Oh Crescence and Brian...I'm taking a deep breath. For some reason this is not what I thought the diagnosis was. You are in my prayers. I am relieved that it is the end of the school year. Rebecca
