Saturday, May 4, 2019

What a Roller Coaster Ride!

During spring break we went to Orlando to visit Universal Studios, SeaWorld, and Busch Gardens. We rode a lot of different roller coasters; each with their own twists and turns,  ups and downs.  They were all really fun.  If you haven't figured it out yet,  I am setting the story up for the ole roller coaster analogy. This coaster ride started with a scary plunge into darkness with a high probability of doom but it came back into the light with that feeling of free floating out of our seat. We thought that was the end of the ride, but just as we are starting to relax and unhook the seat belt, we go shooting through an unending helix.

In health terms, the pathology report came back on Friday. We were anticipating this but not worried at all as doc had said nothing looked very suspicious and it was being sent in as a precaution and pretty standard just to make sure. The phone call was supposed to confirm this so Crescence could continue on with her recovery from surgery.  Instead,  the phone call was like a gut punch. Apparently there were some cancer cells found that appear to be the fast growing type, and now Crescence needs to undergo some type of chemotherapy. We don't have a lot of details and won't until we meet with the oncologist in Seattle, hopefully in a few days. Meanwhile,  I am in Kennewick helping my family with funeral arrangements, getting dad moved into assisted living, and preparing the family home to be put on the market.

We are grateful for all the support from family,  friends, and especially our work family at White Salmon Valley School District.  With every one's support and the grace of God we just keep swimming.

Brian and Crescence Morris


  1. If there is anything we can do... you know we are here! Give Crescence a big olé hug for me! 🙏

  2. Sending our prayers and love.❤️
    --Ted and Rose

  3. Sending loving, healing prayers your way.

  4. Sending daily and nightly prayers to you, and your family. Give Crescence a big hug and let her know there a lots of people praying for her. "The people who walk in darkness will see a GREAT light." Hang in there with FAITH.
