Thursday, May 9, 2019

Subscribe to the blog and other enhancements

This is just a picture the real button is over there---->
I really thought this blog would be something that only lasted a couple weeks so I didn't really get under the hood to see what it can do. Apparently it can do a lot more than I knew. For example, you can now subscribe to get updates (look to the right side of the screen). Don't worry I won't spam you or sell your contact information, or willll I??? All the tools I am using are Google services so if you don't trust Google then, well, tough it is what it is.Can you tell I used to be a techie?

Another enhancement is the ability for anyone to leave comments. Previously it would only let users with a Google account to leave comments. If you do not have a Google account it will let you leave an anonymous comment so please remember to put your name in the body of the comment or we won't know who you are.

I also changed to title of the blog to "CCB - Crescence's Cancer Battle" to reflect the reality that we are in a battle for her life and will not give up until it is won!

We are going to the Dry-Shitties, I mean Tri-Cities today to help move my father into an assisted living facility and for my mother's and brother's funeral on Saturday. Then on Monday we go back to Seattle for a Tuesday appointment with the care team to discuss the treatment.

Thanks again to everyone for the prayers, food, and fellowship. Next blog update should be expected on Tuesday night. Don't forget to subscribe!!!

Just keep swimin, just keep swimmin!

Brian and Crescence